A diverse land portfolio across the Isle of Bute and Cowal Peninsula on the West Coast of Scotland.
At Mount Stuart Trust, we are committed to the land having a meaningful and positive impact on those who live and work on the Isle of Bute.
Our Land Management Plan highlights the importance of creating sustainable opportunities for others, including our agricultural and commercial tenants, whilst also delivering on our climate change and biodiversity targets.
Mount Stuart Trust is the custodian of 87% of the Isle of Bute – however, only 16% is directly managed by the Trust. The remainder represents partnerships with individuals and businesses that help our rural community continue to grow and thrive. Beyond the island, Mount Stuart Trust also has a farm behind the village of Colintraive on the Cowal Peninsula. Find a breakdown of Mount Stuart Trust's activity across the Isle of Bute below:

Since 2020, we have brought 6 new farming families to Bute on long-term tenancies. We understand there is a lot of uncertainty in the sector, but offering 10 to 20 year tenancies provides a greater level of security for the new tenants, which undoubtedly attracts the best farmers. We are very proud of what these farmers have achieved to date.
The rural portfolio sits beyond Mount Stuart House and Gardens and includes property, farming, woodland, a sawmill, and amenity land, including beaches and golf courses. Find out more about each area via the pages below:

Supporting the circular economy with timber grown, sawn, treated and used on Bute
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Protecting the biodiversity and species that call the Isle of Bute their home.
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Bute Enterprises
Supporting diverse businesses across Bute to ensure a sustainable future.
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