Working in partnership with over 30 farm businesses across the Island on productive land suitable for arable and livestock farming.
Our rural team at Mount Stuart Trust are passionate about the future of Scottish agriculture, working with over 30 agricultural tenants to create sustainable farm businesses that encourage the families behind the farms and the wider community to thrive.
Our farms include:
- 9 dairy units, delivering to First Milk
- Over 20 beef & sheep farms
- 1 in-hand farm on the moor above Mount Stuart House and Gardens
We also work in partnership with over 30 farm businesses across the island to maintain this productive land, suitable for dairy, arable, beef and sheep farming.
Over 21,000 acres of Bute are dedicated to farming, with a truly unique landscape due to the Scottish Highland and Lowland divide cutting across the island's centre.
We believe we work with some of the country's most innovative and exciting farm businesses. In 2022, 4 of the Island’s Shepherdesses launched The Trials of Bute sheepdog trials, with competitors travelling from across Europe to compete.

“The enthusiasm and forward-thinking of the new entrants on the Island have contributed massively to the success of the modern limited-duration tenancies in place at Mount Stuart. The future of agriculture and the rural economy is rooted in the need for the next generation to drive innovation and best practice, improve efficiency and contribute to the economic vitality of the sector.” Mairi Guogeon MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands

In 2021, cameras followed tenants Emma Gray and Ewan Irvine as they moved their farming operation from remote Northumberland to Ardros Farm on Bute to take on a 20-year MLDT.
When tenancies become available, we are committed to offering longer-term tenancies, giving our tenants the best opportunity to create a successful business and allowing them to make long-term decisions.