Academia and Research
Research, Placements, Conferences and Talks
Post-graduate Student placements
Each year we host a range of post-graduate student placements. Most recently this has focused on archive and cataloguing projects with three distinct opportunities:
- Glasgow University MSc. Information Management and Preservation, placements
- Scotland’s Land Futures project with students from Dundee University, Stirling University and University of the Highlands and Islands
- Aberystwyth University (MA Archives and Records Management, module - ILM2410 Archives and Records Practical Project.) This specialist project takes place in Aberystwyth over a number of months with materials from Mount Stuart.
For an insight to the placement experience read one student’s blog post here.
Other post-graduate student placements have previously included those studying for an MLitt in Dress & Textiles Histories and an MLitt in Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art).
External research visits
Each year, the archive hosts a number of research and special collections visits from academics to family historians, staff and students.
Researchers have used their findings in presentations and publications. Most recently, we were delighted to collaborate with the Paul Mellon Centre on its online publication Art and the Country House.
Other recent research involving Mount Stuart has included;
Professor Katherine Baxter’s paper Practices of Remembrance: The Experiences of Artists and Curators in the Centenary Commemoration of World War I, in the online Journal Arts, 2020.
Professor Susannah Thompson’s presentation at the Art UK Sculpture conference, 2021. A Rediscovery?: Edmonia Lewis’s Bust of Christ (1870)
Research visits are by pre-booked appointment only.
Presentations, conferences & papers
Our team regularly attends conferences in their specific areas of interest; making presentations and contributing papers as invited.
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