Lochend Development
With the buildings at Lochend Farm being unsuitable for renovation, Mount Stuart Trust worked alongside architects Architeco to redevelop the site into a Sustainable Living development.

The dwellings are private rent starter homes with an integral low energy design strategy keeping utilities bills to a minimum. To achieve this, the dwellings are designed to the Passivhaus Low Energy Standard, using SIP construction. Space standards also meet the requirements of Housing for Varying Needs.

The sustainable homes have private gardens, along with communal spaces and play areas allowing the residents to share space. As part of the Sustainable Living approach, an area of ground is set aside for an organic orchard and allotments. This allows the development to take a further step towards self-sustaining, sustainable community living. A renewable energy strategy is also integrated into the design.
In 2023, Lochend Development won Argyll & Bute Council's Sustainable Design Award.